Corporate Sponsorship Program
Dear Kids in Camp Community,
We hope you and your families safe and healthy as we all do our best to emerge from such a difficult time. We know many of you are on the front lines in the medical field or otherwise and we are indebted to you for your tremendous courage and appreciate your incredibly hard work.
After an unprecedented few years globally, our intention is to double our efforts to help send even more kids to camp each summer. After prolonged periods of social isolation, anxiety, and inactivity, children need the tremendous lifelong, life changing benefits of summer camp more than ever before.
As you know, Kids in Camp provides financial assistance to families to achieve the shared goal of sending their children to an Ontario Camps Association accredited day or overnight summer camp. Our vision is that “Every child has the opportunity to enjoy and to benefit from the unique experience of attending summer camp.”
The Board of Directors is thrilled to continue our modest Corporate Sponsorship Program for 2022 to raise additional funds to satisfy what we are anticipating will be an increased demand for children to attend camp, given all they’ve had to cope with recently.
Corporate Sponsorship levels start at just $500 with a few additional benefits at the higher levels including logos in our newsletters and Annual Report. Click Here to see additional information regarding our Corporate Sponsorship Program.
If it fits within your business, there is also the option of creating a promotion to donate a percentage of sales of certain products, over a specific time frame or over the course of the year. We are sure many of your customers would love to know they are helping to send kids to camp because of their purchase. With an approved promotion in place, you will be able to use our logo and promote your generous campaign through any of your marketing efforts. We will also promote your campaign on our channels of social media.
As a dedicated group of current and previous summer camp owners and directors, we know how much you value the summer camp industry. We hope you can help us provide this unique and wonderful opportunity to even more kids from all backgrounds. If you know of any other companies that might be interested in a KIC Corporate Sponsorship, please send us their contact information so we can touch base with them.
After reviewing the information, please let us know if you would like to become a Corporate Sponsor and/or create a fantastic promotion to help you raise money for your KIC Corporate Sponsorship.
We genuinely appreciate your consideration.
Stay safe,
The Kids in Camp Board of Directors