Welcome to Kids in Camp
In 2005, knowing the multiple benefits that a summer camp bestows on children, when Ted and Elaine Cole invited a number of we camp directors to discuss the “seeds” of initiating an Ontario Camps Association-wide charity, I was all in! We received our charitable number in 2008 and Kids in Camp became a reality.
In the footsteps of prior presidents Elaine Cole, Bob Smith and Larry Bell, I am honoured to continue to lead this important work with the support of a Board of stellar leaders and camping professionals.
Pay it Forward: Since 1967 and my own counsellor days, I have experienced an interesting dynamic that happens when children experience summer camp – the self-confidence, esteem, appreciation of others, respect for the environment, the value of family and friendships, honesty, trust, and sharing with others – that allows them to want to “pay it forward”. This dynamic has caused camp individuals to help others in countless ways. Camp staff always want to figure out how to give this camping experience to more kids. Camping alumni in corporations, businesses or self-employment always seem to find a way to “pay it forward” to help more kids have the same impactful unique summer camp experience that they had!
We are fortunate at Kids in Camp, to be this medium, this charity, that takes in donations and legacy bequests, and allows this circle of love and summer camping to continue and thrive. We have had a wonderful year at KIC watching this circle of giving allow more and more children to enjoy the summer camp experience, but the reality of running a summer camp is that expenses increase at staggering rates. We have witnessed summer camp fees rising across the board; as well, we have seen an increase in campership demands. In response, KIC has increased its amount of giving per week to both day and overnight campers.
Please consider supporting our charity and helping to put children into OCA-accredited day and overnight camps, as we continue to pay it forward and change the world one camper at a time. Thank you.
Jay Haddad